E-mail forwarding for SARTS Members

To all SARTS members:

As a bonus of your SARTS membership you can apply for the use of an e-mail forwarding address like


Simply send a short e-mail to Harish, 9V1HP, under 9v1hp at sarts dot org dot sg with the subject: “Email forwarding 9V1..”.

Please state your call sign (9v1..) and the email address you want your callsign address to be forwarded to.

Precondition: active paid SARTS membership.

73 Klaus 9v1kg at sarts dot org dot sg

Member Registration on the SARTS Website

To all SARTS members

The website’s content management system allows to provide content visible to registered and logged in SARTS members only, which is not visible to the general public. In order to activate this feature, please register.

Registration process

Click on the sidebar under SARTS MEMBERS Login or use the REGISTRATION button below. With Login the following screen will be displayed.

Login screen

If you are not registered, click on “Register” on the Login screen or on the REGISTRATION button below to get the registration screen:

Registration screen

Input a Username – please use your call sign or handle + call sign (space is accepted, e.g. “9V1KG Klaus”) – and your Email address. You will then receive a confirmation/ verification email sent to the address provided. Therefore double-check the email address before submission.

After receiving the confirmation/verification email, it still can take a while before your login works, as – for security reasons – approval is done manually by the webmaster.

At the moment after registration and login there is no big change, except that

Once the majority of SARTS members are registered, additional features will be implemented.

Thank You!

SARTS Membership List

Last updated: 2024-09-03

9V1ABNils Christian Ujmax
9V1ADCheuk Yan Au (Chuck)x
9V1AIV. Jayaramx
9V1AJG. S. Balakrishnan
9V1AKMatt Ranostayx
9V1ALAlex Lee
9V1AQClaudio Caballero
9V1ARKenneth Ricaborda
9V1ASJeff Yeox
9V1ATAndrew Tanx
9V1AVJames Tan Chun Chiehx
9V1AWAaron Wongx
9V1AXKelem Amirx
9V1AYMark Barnardx
9V1AZGopalan Vedarthamx
9V1BCSolomon Tan Wei Jiex
9V1BDHo Jie Fengx
9V1BGAchala Darshana Senarantax
9V1BHVictor Boudioukine
9V1BKKenneth Tan Xinrongx
9V1BLTan Chen Hao
9V1BNBernd Nestler
9V1BOBaino Paulx
9V1BXSamuel (Sam) Laux
9V1CCSoh Cheah Choon
9V1CDArnold Cabahug
9V1CEKevin W Rogers (KF7TUU)x
9V1CKClaus J Karthex
9V1CLDaniel Deng Jue
9V1CSC. S. Lim
9V1CVChoong Sek Yeenx
9V1CWColin J. Paulx
9V1DADiego Abasx
9V1DEDarryl Eex
9V1DKDerrick King
9V1DSDarran Siu
9V1DTSampath Kumar Padmanabhanx
9V1DWDixon Wang
9V1DYDanny Vong
9V1EHLiu Changx
9V1EKEddy Kokx
9V1EPMasakazu Namajirix
9V1FHThum Fu Hangx
9V1FJBarry Fletcherx
9V1FLFrancis Limx
9V1GHSanjeev Guptax
9V1GZGuenter Zwicklx
9V1HFKoenraad Mouthaanx
9V1HHAmos Hoex
9V1HLHerman Laheyx
9V1HPHarish Pillayx
9V1HXAlvin Siahx
9V1HYHaoyuan Chux
9V1JEJeremias Wong
9V1JHAaron Pokx
9V1JMJoey Muncadax
9V1JNJothinathan G. S. Sundramx
9V1JOJohari Osmanx
9V1JTJose Carlos (JC) Cortez Tupazx
9V1KBBenjamin Koe
9V1KGKlaus D Goepelx
9V1KHPeter Loo
9V1KMKevin Basil Magnus (Mag)x
9V1KSTan Koh Siang
9V1KTKevin Tanx
9V1KWNg Kah Wer Lindon
9V1LBAng Wen Law Lawbin
9V1LCChoong Lee Songx
9V1LDLarry Dimaano
9V1LHStephan Grensemannx
9V1LWChia Lih Weix
9V1LXMike Easterbrookx
9V1LYLi Yux
9V1MHMatt Howard
9V1MJMurali S/O Jothinathanx
9V1ODTan Lian Huatx
9V1OGRene Atienza Ogiex
9V1OWDr. Masahiro Wada
9V1PKPeter Khorx
9V1PLPhilip Lai Yong Yeow
9V1PPAndrew Leex
9V1QQBob Fabrizio
9V1RBRagul Balajix
9V1RCRobert Chenx
9V1RFRoss French x
9V1RKRobert Kimmelx
9V1RTRoland Turnerx
9V1SAHugh Maisonx
9V1SHShuichi Hosokaix
9V1STTan Hoe Teckx
9V1SVAzhaga Muthu Sivax
9V1TEJames Buckner
9V1TGTimothy Gohx
9V1TTAndrew Hodgesx
9V1UUTakehisa Sato
9V1VVJohn Daviesx
9V1WPSai Wai Phyox
9V1XBPatrick Thamx
9V1XKAndy Yee Lai Seng
9V1XVXavier Tong
9V1XXKazuhiko Kuritax
9V1YCJames Brooksx
9V1YJShigeyoshi Sasakix
9V1YLSally Woonx
9V1YPChew Lip Hengx
9V1YWYingwang Shix
9V1ZHTan Boen-Hianx
9V1ZKFred Leex
9V1ZPZiyue Panx
9V1ZVDaniel Weex
9V1ZWMichael Davidsonx
9V1ZYLoo Zheng Yuanx
tbd.Sanjeev Gopalx
BG5IMHTao Zhux
Assoc.David Tan Qian Tingx
Assoc.Abhishek Rai
Assoc. Roger Lee
Assoc.Nicholas Chan
Assoc.Omkiran Sharma
Assoc.Harish Nair
Assoc.Jean-Louis Morin
Assoc.Oshada Rodrigox
Assoc.Sri Narayan Shukla (VU2SHO)x
Assoc.Alex Vossx
Assoc.Cynch Guevara (Ms.)x
SARTS membership list 2024
x = paid 2024