Presentation by Sam, 9V1BX, during the SARTS quarterly meeting Sep 2023.
Author: 9V1KG
Portable Operation within NParks, SLA, LTA – IMDA Rules
Portable operation within SLA / NParks / LTA / IMDA rules
Presentation held by Roland, 9V1RT, during the SARTS quarterly meeting in Sep 2023.
Portable Operations in Singapore
FCC amateur radio licensing guide for Singapore HAMs
from Chew, 9V1HP

Balloon Experiment with Amateur Radio (BEAR-8)
is expected to be airborne on Sunday 28 May 2023 (Sunday) from around 06:45 (SGT) or 22:45 (27 May, UTC). Payload DRA818V.
APRS on 144.390 MHz: Telemetry, location, altitude, temperature and pressure.
SSTV on 145.550 MHz, Periodic snapshot.
Project Lead / Payload (2), 9V1LW
Flt Sys / Payload (1), 9V1WP
Flt. Lifting, 9V1FH
Flt. Tracking, 9V1CV
Flt. Co-ord, 9V1YP
BEAR-7 Insights
SARTS talk by Lih Wei, 9V1LW, during the Feb 2023 meeting.
SATNOG – Open Source Global Network of Satellite Ground Stations
SARTS Rig Approval Survey
BEAR-7 Successfully launched and recovered
Launch: Sunday, Nov 13, 2022, 6:59 SGT
Flight Duration: 3 h 52 min
Height: >36 km

BEAR-6 Successfully Launched
On Sunday, Aug 28th, early in the morning the 6th Amateur Radio Weather Balloon was successfully launched from Singapore. Balloon Experiments with Amateur Radio (BEAR-6) with the call sign 9V1UP-11 lifted off at 6:50 SGT.

Payload DRA818V with APRS telemetry – location, altitude, temperature and pressure, on 144.39 MHz and with SSTV (Robot 36) on 145.55 MHz was assembled by 9V1LW. The BEAR-6 team members were Lih Wei 9V1LW, Fu Hang, 9V1FH, Choong, 9V1CV and Chew, 9V1YP.
It went to a height above 32 km and speed exceeded 90 km/h a one point.The flight ended with the loss of signal at 10:33.